King John



Cast for the Recordings

Facilitated, edited, and with music composed & performed by Ariana Karp, Artistic Director.

  • Bronwyn Barnwell as Cardinal Pandulph & Count Melun

  • Olivia Rose Barresi as The Bastard (Philip Faulconbridge)

  • Sam Gibbs as Austria, Hubert, & Prince Henry

  • Meg Hachmann as Lady Faulconbridge, Salisbury, English Messenger, & French Messenger

  • Patrick Harvey as King John

  • Julia Larsen as Queen Eleanor, Robert Faulconbridge, Pembroke, Blanche, James Gurney, Executioner, & Peter of Pomfret

  • Liam Mitchell as Arthur, Essex, Citizen, & French Herald

  • Danielle Reddick as Constance

  • Rafe Terrizzi as Chatillon, Lewis the Dauphin, & Lord Bigot

  • Jesse Van Buren as King Philip of France & English Herald

And now instead of bullets wrapt in fire
To make a shaking fever in your walls,
They shoot but calm words, folded vp in smoke,
To make a faithless error in your ears.
— John, King John, 2.1

Tabling: King John

Below are links to the discussions that the cast had in preparation for the recordings. You can subscribe to Radio Shakespeare Lab and Tabling: The Podcast on any of your favorite podcasting platforms!

Commodity, the bias of the world
— Philip Faulconbridge (The Bastard), King John, 2.1

iReadShakespeare Resources

A wonderful resource and support page for readers and those looking for further information on Shakespeare’s plays.

The Radio Play

Originally released on Radio Shakespeare Lab, January 21, 2021. Each track is a scene from King John, voiced by actors from across the country and includes sound effects and original music. The act and scene breaks are based on the 1623 Folio.

Grief fills the room up of my absent child:
Lies in his bed, walks up and down with me,
Puts on his pretty looks, repeats his words,
Remembers me of all his gracious parts,
Stuffs out his vacant garments with his form;
Then, have I reason to be fond of grief.
— Constance, King John, 3.3