Associate Artists
Core Collaborators
“All of these extraordinary actors have been with us for two seasons or more and have been an integral part of each of our productions. We highly value their unceasing work ethic, strength, vulnerability, courage, generosity, passion, and skills as collaborators. We look forward to continuing to work and grow together, and empower them to shape the artistic processes and culture of ISC Santa Fe.” —Ariana Karp, Artistic Director
Mairi Chanel
Andrew Codispoti
Edward Daranyi
Lynn Goodwin
Josh Horton
Breshaun-Birene Joyner
Alexander Lane
Amy Meilander
Geoffrey Pomeroy
Clara West
Mairi Chanel
Previously for ISC Santa Fe: Juliet in Romeo and Juliet (2024); Biondella, Tailor in The Taming of the Shrew (2024); Queen Elizabeth in Richard III (2023); Autolycus, Jailer in The Winter’s Tale (2022); Dionyza, 2nd Sailor in Pericles (2022); Menenius Agrippa, Roman Soldier in Coriolanus (2021); Portia, Metellus Cimber, Cinna the Poet, Plebian in Julius Caesar (2021); Isabella in Measure for Measure (2019); Gadshill in Henry the Fourth, Part One (2019); King of France, Knight/Lear’s Gentleman in King Lear (2018).
Bio: Mairi Chanel (she|they) spent her childhood summers attending the performances of Shakespeare in Santa Fe at St. John’s College, and has been obsessed with Shakespeare’s vibrant characters and language ever since. For her, all acting has been a means to Shakespeare.
She has been performing on Santa Fe (and a few California) stages for 13 years, with some favorite roles outside the ISC including: Macbeth in Macbeth (&Sons Theatre); Mercutio in Romeo and Juliet (Santa Fe Shakespeare Society); Agnes in She Kills Monsters: Virtual Realms (Ad Astra Theatre/&Sons Theatre); Mrs. Daldry in The Vibrator Play (Santa Fe Playhouse); Weird Sister/Lady Macduff in Macbeth (Santa Fe Playhouse); Nyx/Creon in Out of Thebes (Theaterwork); Karen Wright in The Children’s Hour (Santa Fe Playhouse); Karlie in Luna Gale (Adobe Rose Theatre); and Itchy the Dalmatian Puppy in 101 Dalmatians (Acequia Madre Elementary School).
Mairi is a Co-Founder and Co-Artistic Director of &Sons Theatre, which was nominated for Best of Santa Fe despite only being able to produce one in-person show before the 2020 quarantine. In 2021, as part of &Sons’ digital programming and the Santa Fe Summer Shakespeare Festival, Mairi wrote, directed, and virtually premiered her first full-length play, Lay Our Scene: An Interactive and Highly Inaccurate Re-telling of Romeo and Juliet.
Her time outside theaters is filled with drawing imaginary people, playing a lot of Dungeons and Dragons (including running an after-school program at The May Center for Learning), dabbling in stand-up, and playing the ukulele with mediocre skill, but intense joy.
Andrew Codispoti
Previously for ISC Santa Fe: Friar Laurence, Gregory, and co-facilitator in Romeo and Juliet (2024); Tranio and lead facilitator in The Taming of the Shrew (2024); deviser-performer in Shakespeare’s Duets: Turn & Change (2023); Margaret, Ratcliffe, Prince Edward, and co-facilitator in Richard III (2023).
Bio: Andrew Codispoti (he|they) is a wandering theatre maker specializing in creating productions of Shakespeare’s plays using a “quick-raise” process derived from Elizabethan/Jacobean theatrical practice and fused with modern innovations. They are a founding member of both The Shakespeare Ensemble and the Bridge Ensemble, working alongside actor, author, & producer Ben Crystal to gather & build these ensemble-based theatre companies internationally and in North Wales, respectively. With The Shakespeare Ensemble they co-produced a three-week, three-show tour of Japan in 2019, with four days to raise the three shows. Andrew facilitated the production of Hamlet for that tour, as well as performing as Rosse, Juliet, and Gertrude. With the Bridge Theatre Ensemble they co-produced a four-day quick-raise of Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol in 2022 using a new, ensemble-created dramatic adaptation of the novella, and which was performed under candlelight in 12th- and 13th-century churches throughout North Wales. As the curator & instigator of Vicious Mole Theatre Collective Andrew has produced & facilitated quick-raises of The Tempest, Midsummer Night’s Dreame, and Romeo & Juliet in New Hampshire & around New England. He has served as a guest facilitator for Theater in the Open in Massachussets and Incite Shakespeare Company in Santa Fe. With his acting & devising partner Ariana Karp he works on the continually-evolving production Shakespeare’s Duets: Turn & Change, which they have performed in Waterville, ME, Newburyport, MA, and Santa Fe, NM. He has worked extensively with Advice to the Players, Seven Stages Shakespeare Company, and The Barnstormers Theatre. He was the Artistic Director of Advice to the Players for the 2016 & 2017 seasons.
Edward Daranyi
Previously for ISC Santa Fe: Prince Escalus and Paris in Romeo and Juliet (2024); Clarence and Catesby in Richard III (2023); director of Coriolanus (2021); Mark Antony and Plebian in Julius Caesar (2021).
Bio: As an artist Edward (he|him) has spent 30 years working across Canada and across the globe. He spent 19 seasons with the renowned Stratford Festival of Canada, as an actor, director, teaching artist, and the associate director of education. He continues to work with artists and teachers in El Salvador in partnership with The Stratford Festival and CUSO International. Edward has taught acting at the University of Guelph and the National Theatre School of Canada and has taught Classical Theatre and directed for Humber College, George Brown College, The Centre for Indigenous Theatre, and the National Ballet School of Canada. For Michigan State University, Edward has taught classical theatre and theatre for young audiences and directed The Beaux Stratagem, Cyrano de Bergerac and James and the Giant Peach. His production company, In the Blink, produces youth-oriented theatre in the Toronto area and he regularly voiced characters for the TVO/Treehouse series Mighty Machines.
Lynn Goodwin
Previously for ISC Santa Fe: Sarah Bernhardt in Bernhardt/Hamlet staged reading (2025); King/Ghost in Believe None of Us staged reading (2025); Paulina in The Winter’s Tale (2022); Volumnia in Coriolanus (2021); Marcus Brutus in Julius Caesar (2021); Goneril in King Lear (2018).
Bio: Lynn Goodwin (she|her) is a director, actor, writer, and teacher. She spent fourteen years based in NYC, working off-Broadway, in regional theaters, and in film.
As a member of The Ensemble Studio Theater (until c.1996), she acted in developmental workshops and productions, working directly with playwrights such as Horton Foote, Richard Greenberg, Romulus Linney and Jackie Reingold.
In New Mexico, Lynn has acted with the College of Santa Fe’s professional play development workshop and local theaters. With playwright Dale Dunn, she serves as Co-Artistic Director of Just Say It Theater, teaching and collaborating with artists intent on keeping live theater alive. She directed: Just Say It Theater’s productions of Constellations and The Big Heartless; Aliens (for Ironweed Productions); and eight collaborative, original theater pieces, with students from La Mariposa Montessori, New Mexico School for the Arts, Santa Fe Indian School, The Girls School, and Santa Fe University of Art and Design.
She earned a BA from Yale University, an MFA from Columbia University, and an advanced certificate in Screenwriting from UCLA.
Josh Horton
Previously for ISC Santa Fe: Romeo in Romeo and Juliet (2024); Curtis and Widower in The Taming of the Shrew (2024); Hastings and Richmond in Richard III (2023).
Bio: Josh (he|him) is a SAG-AFTRA actor, born and raised in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Other previous credits: Netflix's Obliterated (Co-star role); Showtime's The Curse (Co-star role); Seeds (Greg) at Ironweed Productions; 828 production’s Film Traphouse (Co-star role). Training/Education: Graduated from NMSU with a BFA in theatre arts. Trained at UNLV in MFA in Acting and Performance program.
Breshaun-Birene Joyner
Previously for ISC Santa Fe: Gertrude in Believe None of Us staged reading (2025); Lady Capulet in Romeo and Juliet (2024); Grumia in The Taming of the Shrew (2024); Antigona, Time in The Winter’s Tale (2022); Cerimon, Bawd, Diana in Pericles (2022); Virgilia, Citizen, Roman Soldier in Coriolanus (2021); Casca, Plebian in Julius Caesar (2021); Provost in Measure for Measure (2019); Lady Percy in Henry the Fourth, Part One (2019).
Bio: Breshaun-Birene Joyner (she|her) is a performer and educator. As a performer, in addition to her most recent work with ISC Santa Fe, her favorite roles include the Marquise de Merteuil in Les Liaisons Dangereuses (John Waldron Arts); Bernada Alba in The House of Bernada Alba (John Waldron Arts); and Anne Bonney in Ken Ludwig’s Treasure Island (Cardinal Stage Company).
As an educator, Breshaun has taught for over twenty years in traditional and non-traditional learning environments from Shakespeare performance summer camps for kindergarten students to teacher education college classrooms. She was also the Education Director for several years at the Bloomington Playwrights Project, a non-profit performing arts theater dedicated to the production and development of new plays.
Breshaun currently teaches eighth grade English at Santa Fe Preparatory School in Santa Fe, New Mexico. She holds a MA in Children’s Literature from the University of New Mexico and is pursuing additional graduate work in Shakespeare pedagogy, specifically designing curriculum applying Shakespeare in interdisciplinary contexts.
Alexander Lane
Previously for ISC Santa Fe: Mercutio, Apothecary in Romeo and Juliet (2024); Richard III in Richard III (2023); Rogero in The Winter’s Tale (2022); Pericles in Pericles (2022); Sicinius Velutus, Volscian in Coriolanus (2021); Murellus, Soothsayer, Octavius Caesar, Plebian in Julius Caesar (2021).
Bio: Alexander Lane (he|him) grew up in Santa Fe and spent over a decade in New York City and Chicago before the pandemic brought him home. Chicago credits include Hamlet and Othello (The Gift Theatre); Balm In Gilead (Griffin Theatre); directing and producing several productions of the international theatre project Theatre Uncut; and punkplay (Steppenwolf Garage Rep). He was also a member of the new plays company Pavement Group. New York credits include Romeo And Juliet (Shakespeare In The Park/Public Theater); Antonin Artaud's The Cenci (Hotel Savant); and What The Thunder Said (River To River Festival/bluemouth inc.). Television credits include Chicago Med and Chicago Fire. Film credits include the award-winning short Blue Boy by New Mexico filmmaker Andy Kastelic that premiered at AMFX. He is a graduate of the University Of New Mexico and the School at Steppenwolf Theatre; and is represented by Mitchell & Associates Talent here in New Mexico.
Since moving back to Santa Fe in 2020, he has been absolutely thrilled to find the ISC - his ideal Shakespeare collaborators - right in his own backyard. Life is strange and wondrous. He also acted with the New Mexico Actors Lab in The Seafarer and has been an assistant teacher with the Upstart Crows' Youth Shakespeare Festival for the past two years. Most recently he participated in the Creative Startups/Vital Spaces Innovation Challenge - an internationally recognized accelerator for creative businesses - on behalf of the ISC. He believes in the potential of the Santa Fe arts community and it's his new dream to be a part of its growth and sustainability.
Amy Meilander
Previously for ISC Santa Fe: Alphonse Mucha in Bernhardt/Hamlet staged reading (2025); Folio Hamlet in Believe None of Us staged reading (2025); Nurse, Montague in Romeo and Juliet (2024); Vincentia in The Taming of the Shrew (2024); Edward IV, Duchess of York, Lord Mayor in Richard III (2023); Old Shepherd, Officer in The Winter’s Tale (2022); Helicanus, 2nd Pirate in Pericles (2022); assistant stage manager for Measure for Measure and Henry IV, Part I (2019); Knight in King Lear (2018).
Bio: A friend told Amy years ago that she continually reinvents herself. Starting out with theatre degrees in backstage and front-of-house (BA and MFA), she shifted gears and worked at Los Alamos National Laboratory for 25 years (BS in computer science). Upon “retiring” (and she uses that word lightly because she’s done it twice now), and armed with a certificate in paralegal studies (do you see a trend?), she started working in the appellate courts. Amy was talked into auditioning for Upstart Readers, A Christmas Carol (now a yearly event). A supernumerary role in the ISC’s 2018 King Lear and assistant stage manager for the ISC Santa Fe’s 2019 performances of Measure for Measure and Henry IV, Part 1, opened her eyes to what could be. Next stop was Shakespeare Gymnastics, first doing scenes with script in-hand, and then Twelfth Night as Andrew Aguecheek in 2021. From there it was more Shakespeare Gymnastics performances (her favorite is and will forever be Kent from King Lear, whom she dearly loves), more local acting workshops, and then she got the call to be a part of the Incite Shakespeare Company. She is grateful for every opportunity that has come her way and for every acting partner, director, and backstage technician who has played with her, encouraged her, and made her a better person both on- and off-stage. Enjoy the process.
Geoffrey Pomeroy
Previously for ISC Santa Fe: Edmond Rostand in Bernhardt/Hamlet staged reading (2025); Kit (Katherine) and composer in The Taming of the Shrew (2024); Tybalt and composer in Romeo and Juliet (2024); Richard III and composer in Richard III (2023); Leontes in The Winter’s Tale (2022); Antiochus, Pander, Antiochenes Knight, 1st Sailor, and composer in Pericles (2022); Coriolanus in Coriolanus (2021); Caius Cassius, Plebian in Julius Caesar (2021); Angelo in Measure for Measure (2019); Hotspur in Henry the Fourth, Part One (2019); Edmund in King Lear (2018).
Bio: Geoffrey Pomeroy is an actor, writer, musician and composer from the San Francisco Bay Area. He was always kind of a weird kid growing up, and proudly carries this trait into adulthood.
After college, Geoffrey spent ten years in Los Angeles working onstage with numerous theater companies, composing music for independent film and theater productions, and playing music in his beloved band, Please.
In 2009 Geoffrey moved to New York City where he continued performing onstage any chance he got, composing music for theater, playing music in clubs, and writing screenplays. He wrote and co-produced a short film, Hypothetically, which debuted at the Cannes Film Festival and went on to win several awards for best comedic short nationwide.
Since 2014, Geoffrey has called Santa Fe his home, working on stage regularly with New Mexico Actors Lab and ISC Santa Fe. He continues to write music and screenplays, and also acts in television and film.
Geoffrey is an honors Graduate of Skidmore College, NY, and the British-American Drama Academy in London.
Clara West
Previously for ISC Santa Fe: Quarto 1 Hamlet in Believe None of Us staged reading (2025); Brackenbury, Dorset, Young York, Messenger in Richard III (2023); Mamillius, Perdita in The Winter’s Tale (2022); Escanes, Pilch, Antiochenes Messenger, 1st Ephesian in Pericles (2022); Young Marcius, Roman Soldier, Citizen in Coriolanus (2021); Cinna, Lucius, Plebian in Julius Caesar (2021); Friar Thomas, Guard in Measure for Measure (2018); William the Messenger, Server, Sir Michael in Henry the Fourth, Part One (2019); Cordelia in King Lear (2018).
Bio: Clara West was born and raised on her family's ranch just South of Santa Fe, New Mexico. She has spent the past four years studying Visual Arts at NMSA. Since age ten she has also been a member of the Santa Fe theatre scene due to an uninformed (and definitely amazing) decision to join a Shakespeare troupe. Working with The Upstart Crows of Santa Fe she has had the chance to take a shot at parts like: Prospero in The Tempest, Lady Bracknell in The Importance of Being Earnest, Titania in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, and Claudius in Hamlet.
She is exceptionally proud of her work in ISC Santa Fe’s productions. In her few moments not caught up with some form of Shakespeare, Clara makes paint out of rocks and wastes her time drawing cats, trees and dragons.