Coriolanus • 2021

ISC Rep Season 2021: The Romans

Can a man of righteous and inflexible ideals play the political game to gain the votes and trust of the Citizens? Coriolanus is the story of Caius Marcius, a war hero who singlehandedly took the town of Corioles, but it is his mother Volumnia, one of Shakespeare’s most remarkable women, who wields the most potent power of all, persuasion.

The ISC Ensemble performed two of Shakespeare’s most potent political thrillers during the summer of 2021: Coriolanus and Julius Caesar. The productions were performed in repertory with a tight cast of 11 actors.


Rhoda Bodzin: Valeria, Volscian, Citizen

Mairi Chanel: Menenius Agrippa, Roman Soldier

Deborah Davis: Junius Brutus, Roman Soldier, Volscian

***Lynn Goodwin: Volumnia, Citizen, Volscian

Meg Hachmann: Cominius, Citizen, Volscian

Ariana Karp: Tullus Aufidius, Citizen

Breshaun Joyner: Virgilia, Citizen, Roman Soldier

Alexander Lane: Sicinius Velutus, Volscian

Geoffrey Pomeroy: Caius Marcius, later Coriolanus

William Potter: Titus Larcius, Volscian Lieutenant, Soldier, Citizen

Clara West: Young Marcius, Roman Soldier, Citizen

***Appeared through the courtesy of Actors’ Equity Association, the Union of Professional Actors and Stage Managers in the United States.

Production Team

Edward Daranyi: Director

Itai Rosen: Stage Manager

Rylie Philpot: Assistant Stage Manager

Raul Daoud: COVID Safety Manager

Vince Faust: Technical Director & Set Design

Jayden Chavez: Lighting Design

Edward Daranyi, Kate Healy, Ariana Karp, and Katrin Talbot: Costume Team

Liam Mitchell: Fight Choreography

Edward Daranyi and Ariana Karp: Sound Design

Jamie Chavez: Light Board Operator

Gabriel Boston-Friedman, Ian Gonzales, Ashur Pinkerton, and Clementine West: Running Crew

Katrin Talbot: Photography and Videography

Director’s Note • Edward Daranyi

Why this? Why now? Who cares? Isn’t this just dusty and old? Shouldn’t we just move on already?

Well, just take a look at your world, at your community —who in your government is working for you? Last time I checked, in my community there were truly people who represented their constituents, and those that represent themselves, their parties, their own biases, and damned be the people that elected them, or who they represent. As we witness the erosion of the middle class and the widening gulf between those who have and those who are barely scraping by, the growing droughts, wildfires, food insecurity, this seems like a perfect time to examine these works. This is now, not just here, but globally as well. Fascism is not only on the rise; it is well established once again in many countries. This is truly Shakespeare holding the mirror up to nature. Careful we must be, for at some point the people will rise up against the injustices they have been forced to endure for decades. Those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it. Let this not be the prelude to another cursed chapter in our history.

The ISC partners with iReadShakespeare and the production of Shakespeare’s play texts designed specifically for Readers, edited by Dr. Robin Williams. For more info about these Readers’ Editions, go to